Monday, August 10, 2009

Slanted: in the OtheR diRection By Aaron Held and Zete Purongge

(You suck the marrow out of me........
...Peculating me from the inside...)
Pull me from my outer shell, force me in a box.
Now she talks slowly, lips moving like a ballerina...

Folded swan, rich cemetery lawns...The six legs pulling off the torso.
Feeding the wild hawks withered dust.

"I saw through a lens, underneath my pillow...."

I don't think so........You don't have to explain no more......her hearts a putrid honeycomb.

The same name becoming sentences.
Cursed with chalky breath.
Pinkish death coal.


slanted in the OtheR diRection

i blow him
(from outside his namesake) He becomes a size bigger than ever before... rats
He seizes the Ringmasters' Cane-of -Control ...... Oh Lurker watch for the fall

Didnt you know of the topography
Of the wild swan and its' every dip and flip to the sediment

Of the Lotus bursting to show its brilliance

Yes, I know so........ its self obvious......there's a dripping sugar cane waiting to be harvested

Your name is ever on the plinth
Blessed by zephrs waft
Left in lace


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