Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Do you remember the fertilizer
In pellets Dad gave the plants
How they bolted
From lovely green shoots
To a sick old maturity
How the children are fed pellets
Of propaganda
with the same results?

Sometimes the name is good enough
Sometimes it's better changed spontaneously

Allow error they said
Rules are selective
My own rowboat is blue
Like the sea and the sky.


Only yesterday
The scent of your body butter
Weaving its way through a crowded tent
How bizzare the backs of your legs
Counting the days we spent
In that Turkisk place where salad
And meatballs were common enough
Those camels from hell
Stamping their feet
To knock off the shackles...
Our own feet free †
Our minds shackled
Like them, we didnt flinch
When the memories came close
Enough to smell
Tawny, musky, the lush oasis
Our ever lit eyes
Searing the sand
Our sandals trapsing
Silicon streets
Your scented body butter
Capturing the crowd.
-Zete Purongge

Do you remember the fertilizer
Only yesterday
In pellets Dad gave the plants
The scent of your body butter
How they bolted
Weaving its way through a crowded tent
From lovely green shoots
How bizarre the backs of your legs
To a sick old maturity
Counting the days we spent
How the children are fed pellets
In that Turkisk place where salad
Of propaganda
And meatballs were common enough
with the same results?
Those camels from hell
Sometimes the name is good enough
Stamping their feet
Sometimes it's better changed spontaneously
To knock off the shackles...
Allow error they said
Our own feet free †
Rules are selective
Our minds shackled
My own rowboat is blue
Like them, we didnt flinch
Like the sea and the sky.
When the memories came close
[RelaX]Enough to smell
Tawny, musky,
Our sandals trapsing the crowd.
Our ever body butter
Searing the sand Silicon streets
Our sandals trapsing
Great, wistful, and the notion of
Your scented lit eyes
memories coming close enough to smell.
Capturing the lush oasis.
-Aaron Held

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