Friday, April 2, 2010


fragment by Zete

I need you
Like a fevered air
Not because you are a leaf
Or an elephant
Or even a mirror
But because you are a schizm
An air between two notes
An open page
Begging me
To have courage


Fragment of Huh By Aaron

One note of desire,
a note.

Because you are a leaf,
Or the other one.

Begging meek between two notes,
To have courage like an elephant
Or even mirror a schizo.

But because you are another wow,
An opened champagne bottle.

Between your courage and doubt,
it's thinking ( I think.)
concisely remarkable
a fever in the air.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blue Monotones

Blue telephone poles reach out to the angels,
Mouth rattles interspersed between the messages.

Unlikely tickets in foyer left standing on a fortune tellers peg leg.
War-peaced together by dinner theatricals, involving shattered masks and plastic swans.

Mistaken identities, listening, gaping at the sight of the oven.
To recall the well of knowledge you left inside the dirty sink, it clogged the drain.

Animal puppets dangling from those wires.
No one can find them any more , dear chicken I swore to you...promised you long life.

You must sing to me when I'm wearing earmuffs, that I might understand but I don't understand this warming up in the granary, and you'll arrive with plenty of sardine cans to live in.

Bringing the tickets with a flourish of broken shells
With your eye on the prize-winning eels that wrapped around a squid.

Bullock, his buttocks all brown and scorched, that ginger man ran.
He dodged the rocket, with an arrow at the corner of his eye but not its 'fueling his pain.

It is clearly another day in August that I remember happening last year.

The air is full of it today, in open amazement that senses the next day approaching.


By Zete

Blue tale,
the next day approaching
Unlikely tickets for the foyer
left leg standing on distortion
fortune tellers peg leg all warped
War-pea theatricals
involving Bullock
With hands in open amazement.

I remember whats happening last year,
The air is full of shattered masks and plastic swans.

By Aaron

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Underwrite sober Snell thing and VI feel like you Candy were Young anything hen.

Fringe ample to the node,

I walk the first fishy steps to Sardinia
Stepping alinealine...

now a neat railroad olawntodaytoday
marks the first insteps.

the first talk on the moon
SaturnsSaturns a little closer...

rings a little bit touching...
neglecting the limelight.

former amen,...forgive that lung...
knees are creaking to a song
former men, are...

...the touching of the shins, ...touching their shins,

cool tingly hairs, sensing a special buzz...
I can the writer..cage the writer..
forgive the oil cool tingly hairs,
that Tung...Tungfish sensing a special buzz...
A whole new dish.

By Aaron and Zete.

Major Linkshot.(newnusses)

New knew knew it was something I’ve never seen...
Blew it away like a dandelion,
Away to the awkward coast of counting.
Another day and paydirt, Another day and sayhurt
Restorate me, into a wonderful portrait.
Or rotate me around the world.
I am a potato digger, with dirty fingernails.
A white mash, with black inked toe nails.
A creature comfort with future pretensions,
Reeling the line with your belly wide open,

Fish fertilizer lying round the camelias
I know the liquid dye surrounds me...
A flower of God for the little drummer boy.
A little peace with a fiddle piece.

nik the antique dresser...

By; Zete And Aaron

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"You did so well Hand Held Funny thing: In NZ we have a beer called DB...Ha Ha"

Be near my little cry for help
These small commercial words will fade into the
Pot of Orion soon enough

I so remember Japan, and its cheapened toys
That road from China is now full of tin
Potholes, no porcelain left, lead poisons.

Who measures the grainaries now my little ones
Eager to bend the straw , the sheaves less
Of a nourishment, the tea weakened water.

In the interests of interest they take
With reddned fingers the sweaty crop
Not a horse left to neigh-say the theft.
The red neck cries foul, the hands of cockroaches
Toy with little viral surprises
Crawling through the paper

We swallow our Daily Bread too quickly.

-Zete Purongge

We swallow our my little cry for help
To be near the Daily Bread too quickly.

the paper words will fade into the DB
Crawling through The small commercial

Viral surprises Pot of Orion,
Toys with the little soon enough...

I so remember Japan in
the hands of cockroaches.

The redneck cries foul and cheapened its toys.
That road from China to neigh-say the theft.

Not a horse left is now full of tin,
Potholes, no porcelain left, the sweaty crop.

With reddned finger grainaries now my little ones
Who measures the lead poisons.

Eager to bend the straw of interest they take
Of a nourishment, In the interests...

The tea weakened water.
-Aaron Held

Do you remember the fertilizer
In pellets Dad gave the plants
How they bolted
From lovely green shoots
To a sick old maturity
How the children are fed pellets
Of propaganda
with the same results?

Sometimes the name is good enough
Sometimes it's better changed spontaneously

Allow error they said
Rules are selective
My own rowboat is blue
Like the sea and the sky.


Only yesterday
The scent of your body butter
Weaving its way through a crowded tent
How bizzare the backs of your legs
Counting the days we spent
In that Turkisk place where salad
And meatballs were common enough
Those camels from hell
Stamping their feet
To knock off the shackles...
Our own feet free †
Our minds shackled
Like them, we didnt flinch
When the memories came close
Enough to smell
Tawny, musky, the lush oasis
Our ever lit eyes
Searing the sand
Our sandals trapsing
Silicon streets
Your scented body butter
Capturing the crowd.
-Zete Purongge

Do you remember the fertilizer
Only yesterday
In pellets Dad gave the plants
The scent of your body butter
How they bolted
Weaving its way through a crowded tent
From lovely green shoots
How bizarre the backs of your legs
To a sick old maturity
Counting the days we spent
How the children are fed pellets
In that Turkisk place where salad
Of propaganda
And meatballs were common enough
with the same results?
Those camels from hell
Sometimes the name is good enough
Stamping their feet
Sometimes it's better changed spontaneously
To knock off the shackles...
Allow error they said
Our own feet free †
Rules are selective
Our minds shackled
My own rowboat is blue
Like them, we didnt flinch
Like the sea and the sky.
When the memories came close
[RelaX]Enough to smell
Tawny, musky,
Our sandals trapsing the crowd.
Our ever body butter
Searing the sand Silicon streets
Our sandals trapsing
Great, wistful, and the notion of
Your scented lit eyes
memories coming close enough to smell.
Capturing the lush oasis.
-Aaron Held

In the face of it
One bends to the absurd

The schism of all that breathes
In realms so fractured they
Look nose-down at each ones' sphere of glory
~ Or discontent.

Iphigenia herself cant save our day.

We head in blind pursuit
Yet warm extravagance for worldly stage

Unheralded the joyful fruit we bare
Here in the space now given
A poesy blooms from goodly will
A definition recognised
in spirit alone for sense
Outridden bids the Angel of Intelligence
To fall before the glanc-ed eye

Un wary now it glows with wise
And succulent beam
A Ray lit star in a darknight sky.
-Zete Purongge

In the Face of It.

Stage at each ones' sphere of glory

One bends to the absurd, In the face of the blind.

Pursuit of all that breathes cant save our day.

The joyful fruit we bare yet warm extravagance for worldly
~ Or discontent.

To fall before the glanc-ed eye,
Iphigenia herself Look nose-down, The schism.

In realms so fractured they A poesy blooms.

From goodly will A definition recognized
in spirit alone for sense.

We head in A Ray lit star in a dark night sky.

Yand succulent beam bids the Angel of Intelligence.

Unheralded Out ridden bids space now given
Here in the space now given.

Out ridden the Angel of Intelligence
Here in the Unwary.
Now it glows with wise........

Unheralded the glanc-ed eye
To fall before the joyful fruit we bare
A definition recognized.

Very kool from goodly will
ziggy stardustesque..
A poesy blooms in spirit alone for sense.
-Aaron Held

you cant be certain ever of me
i have envelopes to fill, shoes to overflow
in someone's dynamite a termite
enters an open oriface.

eyeliner is crooked and smells of garlic
Japanese radish is the main menu
On a seagrass floor a door jamb chops

Lychee trees everywhere... the terraces
Stuck with fresh dates, mangoes from Mexico
Right here in wooden boxes they glow

Keep me honest and your diatribe fills
Donuts of despair, their desperation is

Only in the butcher's shop can i find bones
Enough to assuage my appetites
My dog is waiting for the spit of contention
To roll down the street in disappointment.

There , you see, i said it again...STREET©
Fleet word, a reed, a wandle of repetiton
Another pet set loose on the unsuspecting.
-Zete Purongge

A rubix cube of personalty, I am not what I seem...
Feet personalized with overflowing shoes, I am in the envelope(ready to send)
Your dynamite was a dud but only a termite was around to hear it.
Enter now or face it.

My emotions determine how my make-up looks.
layered and smiled,
Waiting like a Japanese pumpkin on its death bed.
Walk barefoot on the sea floor, doors ajar chopping board.

Trees may suffocate you,
orange light bulbs gleaming with edibility.
looking down from the terrace.

Keep you honest, with you dozens of despair.
desperation to keep your stomach filled.

Bones that create the cathedral,
butcher weeps at his boneless shop.
dog spits the appetites contention,
Your STREET© keeps you from disappointment.

Street unlocks secrets to your subconscious.
Fleet from the STREET© wander your repetition,
Controlled the pet so long, leash was broken.
Lose the unexpected.
-Aaron held

soem oddy sunndi
soem oddy sunndi
shum nun na,
shum nun na,
Goob rer Ovain
shum nun na
shum nun na
the lotuscan
Sunndi ky Zaan,
Iamma valling.
Juun tummusk icky yolk!
soe vey sunrada......................Aaron Held

"Sodomity is gross Goobers are gross The sunRada becomes So very sunRada."-Zete Purongge

Ada Opzt.
Hus'san goymey
Goi dunrada dun sun baby ama.
doi dundency, loi oh avey soem nana
soem sunrada, Baisuun ada..............

Itch grogrogro senor.
Lo ves itch soem sunrada!
nundency..sope sunrada
novey sunrada....................

sai yamama
sai yamama

sai ney sai mey say vo ohoho mei hey ey vey sope sope momanama yamama so vey a bai sun so gaga na na vu isk kido sunrada nolesi.

Guzma yamama nono, guzmanna yamama adara sope...sope....lov ves
soem Sunrada....
so vey so sunrAda.

-Aaron Held

"You remind me of a pop-up toaster All soapy and itchy And smelling of salt air and cat pellets."-Zete Purongge